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Man builds app to help cope with grief

Ana Duarte 于 2018-05-02 10:22 分享

About the solution

Louis was driven to create this app because he experienced the impact of grief in his own family: his grandfather drowned when his father was 13 years old. According to Louis, his father fell into a spiral of bad behavior, which could have been avoided if he had had the proper support.

Also, the therapist works with several kids and teenagers who cope with grief and life-limiting illness. But as he realized that that wasn’t an app that could help them, he decided to take action.

“I saw there was a need for a digital tool to help. What we are doing hasn’t been done before - a therapeutic game that will help families cope with grief. We want the game to be available at the point at which parents get the diagnosis or they get told they don’t have long to live”, Louis explained.

The application (still a prototype) consists of a role-playing game and it is a safe digital space to help children navigate through the harsh realities of grief.
According to the expert, the game helps the users by:

• “Developing emotional literacy and wisdom around death
• Curating a secure digital memory box of a loved one
• Finding and connecting with other people in similar situations
• Providing tailored mindfulness meditations by the waterpool
• Encouraging important and difficult conversations with loved ones using in-app quests”.

Louis and his team launched a crowdfunding campaign. They want to make the app available for free, globally.

The therapist and his team are working on a new public version of the game, expecting it to be available for iOS and Android in the summer of 2018.

More info: https://bounce.works/apartofme/

Adapted from: https://bit.ly/2HKCXb2


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


Louis Weinstock, from UK, is a psychotherapist who developed “Apart of me”, a mobile app that aims to help young people and families cope with life-limiting illness, death and grief.

评论 (2)

  • barbarawhite Wed, 08/28/2019 - 02:55

  • feydankarimbarbarawhite Tue, 01/17/2023 - 18:32

    实际上,这一切都是为了他人而建立 真的谢谢,我必须说,我什至无法找到任何其他参考资料来展示这里的方式。此外,我相信如此,并希望有一天它会受到欢迎,因为他同意经典和操作性条件反射学习的社会学习理论。社会学习理论认为,行为是通过观察和受到他人的影响而习得的

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